Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Dear Realtor,
You might not like the “realtor” identity right now, but it seems the simplest way to address us. So please forgive me if it offends you, but I want to write to you, and I don’t know your name.
I have heard and read so many stories of struggle, and I wanted to reach out to let you know that if you are struggling, I want to help.
We might not know each other yet, but I am an active real estate agent and broker in Texas. I have been practicing real estate for 9 years. I have never cold-called or door-knocked, but I have been a subscriber to the evil Zillow and paid for way too many Facebook ads over my first few years that didn’t convert while Zuckerberg took my money with a grin.
What I have done is build an online presence. I started with Yelp, built a brand on YouTube, posted my fair share of reels on Instagram, and blogged my little heart out. What I have managed to create is what I call an end-to-end brand—something that generates leads on autopilot and has attracted the eyes and ears of millions of potential buyers and sellers.
And spoiler, although there was a lot of trial and error, it wasn’t hard.
The coolest part is that I can teach you precisely what I have done.
But that isn’t why I am writing to you today.
Today is just a reminder that you are not alone.
Since starting my real estate brokerage, Jo & Co., there hasn’t been a water cooler to gather around, but I still have my feet on the ground and the ears to the pavement, and I know many are struggling inside of our industry right now.
But I am here to tell you that there is hope right around the corner and behind a door.
I have had some free time lately. The lull in real estate has allowed me to dig into some new books, discover my addiction to croissants, spend some moments hiking, and make memories with the kids. I have slowed down, written a lot, and rediscovered what is truly important to me.
What is important to you?
What do you want out of your personal life, and what do you want out of your professional life?
For me, you are important to me.
Deep down in my heart, and to be honest, exposed on my sleeve, I want to help people. The person I am trying to help “today” is the realtor because we are walking in the same shoes. I want to help people with not just advice but hope.
Hope is one of my favorite topics.
I have been reading a lot of spiritual and philosophical books lately. While I have had to cut back on my croissant addiction, the reading addiction is still going strong. If you could see me right now, my legs popped up over the side of my chair, a cup of hot tea within an eight-inch grab, and fifty-one books, many with books marks, in my brand new nook, within my kitchen space, sitting here typing to you, and yes, my legs are falling asleep.
Hope is a powerful force for transformation and growth. Hope is a choice—something we can actively embrace rather than a passive emotion.
It is a beacon of light, guiding us towards a brighter future. Hope has the remarkable ability to inspire change, motivate action, and foster resilience.
When we choose hope, we open ourselves to possibilities and opportunities that we might otherwise overlook. It fuels our creativity, bolsters our courage, and strengthens our resolve to persevere through challenges. Hope can be the catalyst that turns dreams into reality and obstacles into stepping stones.
If you are looking for a bit of hope in the form of a guide, friend, and resource, know I am here.
With love, Jordan
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