Hi friend. Today I am sharing with you a reel from our Instagram page. In this reel, I am sharing with you How I am able to Take a 9 Day Vacation While Continuing to Generate Leads. If we aren’t friends yet on Instagram, we would love to connect. Find us here: http://instagram.com/joandcoaching, and don’t forget to say hi. Hugs.
We wanted to share this with you…
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How you can too… ↓
🏡 This is exactly what I am currently executing upon at my real estate brokerage Jo & Co. This method works for anyone in the service industry, a brick and mortar, an entrepreneur, or an online business. | This piggybacks off my last reel and blog post where I talk about the foundation you should build on day zero.
📋 The freebie I featured in yesterdays reel is my most valuable one yet: The Day Zero Philosophy Checklist. Building out this structure should just be for the big brands.
🚀 And the results of this system, for me anyways,
⁃ dominating google search organically
⁃ evergreen content that generates hundreds of leads a month
⁃ loyal clients, friends, and fans
🙌 Anyone can do this.
📘 For a detailed way to execute this (the system I follow), check out my content method ebook.
👣 Want to follow in my footsteps?
– “Our content method.” This is the step-by-step to do exactly what I did. https://joandcoaching.com/ebook3
– Learn more about hiring us for a build out, and we will set up systems and platforms for you. 🛠https://joandcoaching.com/buildout
– Learn more about our a presence audits. They guide you on exactly what you should do next in your business. https://joandcoaching.com/audits
🏖️ How I generate leads while on vacation with my family for 9 days. I have…
⁃ A website with thousands of blog posts
⁃ A YouTube channel with hundreds of videos
⁃ One-of-a-kind lead magnets
⁃ A content strategy
⁃ A small but mighty team
⁃ Systems and automation in place
💪 And we are ready to help you build this too. Xo.
Explore Jo & Coaching
Our favorite blog categories.
Jo & Coaching Freebies – Link | Content Marketing – Link |
With love, Jo – Link | Blogging – Link |
Documenting – Link | Instagram Reels – Link |
What’s next? Are you seeking both personal and professional growth without sacrificing? We are looking to work with those who are building a business while seeking a balance between family and work, and they don’t want to do it alone. We provide coaching, build-outs, training, step-by-step guides, mentorship, and one-on-one consultations.
Empowering you to build a successful business that complements, not complicates, your family life, offering you the tools and support to make it happen, Jo & Coaching. Hugs, Jo.
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🎥 YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@joandcoaching
🍎 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/omnipresence-marketing/id1714741619
🎙️ Spotify Podcast (Video or Audio): https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/omnipresence
At Jo & Coaching: https://joandcoaching.com/store
Sign up for our newsletter: https://joandcoaching.com/newsletter
Omnipresence Marketing Build-Out: http://joandcoaching.com/buildout
Wake Up Call: https://joandcoaching.com/wakeupcall
Instagram: https://instagram.com/joandcoaching
How to create and market your digital products: https://joandcoaching.com/ebook1
How to hire your first VA: https://joandcoaching.com/ebook2
My Content Method: https://joandcoaching.com/ebook3
REALTOR® Mentorship: https://stan.store/Joandcoaching/p/1on1-realtor-mentorship.
Group Coaching Membership: http://joandcoaching.com/join
Office Hours: http://joandcoaching/officehours
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Helping you become an end-to-end brand, business, and entrepreneur.
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Hello, Jo here. At Jo & Coaching, we know most struggle with trying to wear all hats and build a presence on all platforms. We are a marketing firm that does more, by being with you every step of the way, so that you don’t experience burnout or overwhelm. We specialize in all things end-to-end brand building, so if you are looking for a knowledgeable marketing firm and brand builder, please reach out to us! Hugs, Jo.